1.(2:07~2:38) Communication is enormously important for a president. Going back to Roosevelt in
the 1930s. Every family in the country was sort of huddled around his radio. You had the big
networks, you were talking to everybody. And now it’s much more diffused and obviously
President Trump feels that he does not like it filtered through the traditional news media. So he’s
gonna do it directly. I believe communication is important for a CEO.
2.(4:18-4:43)There’s two kinds of items that people buy and think they're investing. One is really investing and
the other isn't. If you buy something, a farm, an apartment house or business. And look to the
asset itself to determine what you've done something, what a farm produces, what the business
earns and so on. You don't really care whether the stock market is open. You can do that on the
private basis.
Now if you buy something like Bitcoin or some cryptocurrency, you don't really, you don't have
anything producing. You're just hoping the next guy pays more. And you only feel you'll find the
next guy to pay more if he thinks he's going to find somebody that's going to pay them more. And
if you ban trading in farms you can still buy and have a perfectly decent investment. if you ban
trading in apartment houses or even in equities. If you ban trading at Berkshire Hathaway for the
next five years our investors would do fine.
4.(6:39-6:52)I really don’t know that answer, but I do know is they have found the secret sauce for themselves
just like we found the secret sauce a couple centries ago. So they have had an economy in the
last 60 years or thereabouts. They have unleashed the potential of their citizenry and where for
really centuries they did not progress that economically for an overwhelming portion of the
population. What they’ve done in the last 50 or 60 years is a total economic miracle. I never
would’ve thought it could’ve happened. But the truth is, they’re smart as we are, they work as
hard as we are and they can have a growth in economy from a lower base that will exceed ours
percentage-wise for a long time. They’re destined for a fine economic future just like we are. 我不
5. (9:49-9:53)(How do you tell the difference between reasonable and unreasonable fear?) So there’s the
stocks down, maybe it should be down; or the stocks down maybe it shouldn’t be down. Well you
just keep looking at the facts. I mean you’re looking at a business. That’s the important thing.
You know you don’t look at a stock chart. I looked at stock charts for years. I used to have a lot of
fun doing that. I was kind of groping around philosophy. You look at the business. I mean how
you decide, whether it’s a successful investment. If it slows and there’s no business today. Well
you say, I made a terrible deal. No, you look at how it’s performing as a business over time. How
it’s doing versus the competition. (您如何分辨理智與不理智的恐慌?)股票下跌,或許它本該下跌,