今年(2019)10月29日是網際網路發明以來的第50個年頭,倫納德·克萊因羅克(Leonard Kleinrock)也於當日以網路開創者之一的身份,在《洛杉磯時報》發表題為「我50年前參與發明的網際網路怎會淪落至此」(50 years ago, I helped invent the internet. How did it go so wrong? )的文章。
內容談到網際網路本為科學研究目的而誕生,後來演變為商業經營、政府管理工具,到目前資安漏洞與使用者隱私遭到濫用的狀況與防治方法。 網際網路於1969年10月29日,在加州大學洛杉磯分校與史丹佛研究機構傳出第一個訊息「Lo」之後正式誕生。
Duringits first 25 years, the internet grew dramatically and organically with the user community seeming to follow the same positive principles the scientists did. We scientists sought neither patents nor private ownership of this networking technology.
在1994年網際網路由於「.com」正式上線,而開始了相當迅速的改變,網路頻寬速度提升到以gigabit計速,全球資訊網(World Wide Web)則已經普及到家戶。亞馬遜(Amazon)與第一個商業瀏覽器網景(Netscape)也是在這年成立與發佈。
然而在短時間內,數以百萬的人們握有以廉價與匿名方式使用網路的權力,網路的「黑暗面」也在沒有預料下被創造出來。如今有超過50%的email是詐騙,更麻煩的是以阻斷服務攻擊(denial of service)鎖死重要的財務機構,以及以惡意殭屍網路(malicious botnets)癱瘓重要基礎建設。
By suddenly providing the power for anyone to immediately reach millions of people inexpensively and anonymously, we had inadvertently also created the perfect formula for the “dark” side to spread like a virus all over the world. Today more than 50% of email is spam, but far more troubling issues have emerged — including denial of service attacks that can immobilize critical financial institutions and malicious botnets that can cripple essential infrastructure sectors.
Kleinrock認為政府、企業等利益團體應更積極監控與裁決網路攻擊(cyberattacks)、資料洩露 (Data breach)與隱私問題。而科學家需要發明更高階的加密方式保護個體隱私,以避免犯罪者使用被竊取的資料庫。
Scientists need to create more advanced methods of encryption to protect individual privacy by preventing perpetrators from using stolen databases.
〈50 years ago, I helped invent the internet. How did it go so wrong? 〉原文連結